Sunday, November 28, 2010

Red Spots In Throat And Roof Of Mouth

water. Performed

Today is November 30, behind the glass raining and I still regret not giving me those green wellies.'s Been days since I frequent neither heaven nor earth My absence is ephemeral, intelligible. Between the parentheses of the most beautiful fate I met the zero point, the cluster where all the feelings that flow, flow.

I think time has given me no any inch, but in return you have been granted a sneak treatment and a lug to the bottom, learning everything secret, anything that produces the shock of the head against the ceiling, sublime.

Things always change, Heraclitus said that no one bathes twice in the same river, I am over seas. The polychromy is a good philosophy, stability is the central point of instability attempt to avoid the decoration angrelados perceptive, I will avoid to avoid life.

I like walking barefoot, the buttons undone and live.

Today is November 30, starting from kind words, today's my birthday, I hope.


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