Friday, November 26, 2010

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Tutorial: Mobile winter.

Do you like our new Christmas decorations? We are inspired by the clouds of Japanese engravings. If you want to get one, you leave the tutorial here: -----------------------------------

Materials: Cardboard
microchannel, Sprays MTN metallic color, acrylic painting American brush, a piece of Porex star-shaped snow, and nylon thread.

- Do the patterns on cardboard and cut loops also the tag to then mark the carton.
- Make patterns on cardboard and cut with heavy scissors.
- Paint Spray the pieces with the giving 2 layers.
- With American acrylic paint, paint the loops profiles and the cloud and the heart. Make sure that the profile is the same thickness. You will also need to paint the edges of the tiles and the star of Porex always giving 2 layers of paint.
- Once dry, place the fishing line and hang the small pieces of the cloud and it's roof.

JAPOE you have your mobile phone!!


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