Now! - It should have been according to hunch. Vanish from the cold sand of the shore, far from new. You can break your knees and knuckles on the floor of asphalt, including convoys street full of lights, looking for the winning ticket, but the faithful dog was gone and you just have the title of pilot, tell me what you gonna do? Wait, do not tell me, you could not hear my voice response and lost it, I'll bluff. Breaking funky lamps in the shadows of the night and a moon of another planet, seriously infected.
not know yet, but I ate the candy house and went out drinking with the witch, though not usually drink. In a last tumble down the street I pushed the knot in a canal bridge and jump the seams gave way, the thread broke and I had to eat clouds to retrieve the filling. Won if your interest detail, I bought tons of yarn and I created a world where acupuncture is the standard key to survival, basic needs like your stupid, your stupid world, in your stupid life, in your great brightness nuclear sickly, radioactive, irresistible.
not die at all, weed never dies, fueled arson fires and we sumiremos in the awful light beam shooting stars on which we (un) wish, on which we sailed the most raw and cold perception fleeting, so eternal that led to disease. We prepare for the guillotine only wish it will fail, that the edge is the cutting stroke is expected of him.
not promise me the world, write poems on the back and is letting flow the persuasion of silence, Can we play? I hide in the freezer in the basement and if I find me a favor, I did not thaw until we are eternal, and you know who fervently desire not to live forever, but for life.
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