Friday, September 4, 2009

Burgundy And Burnt Orange


Theotokos September 8
"In this day of glory, the whole world rejoices in the birth of one who, in her womb mother, will be chosen to be the Mother of God ... it marks the amazing mystery of the infallible union of two natures in the person of Christ. " Stichira, t. 8. However

of the importance of this event, the gospel says nothing about the birth of the Mother of God, but describes in particular the birth of John the Baptist. Even the apocryphal spread on children of the Mother of God described the event in a few lines:
"Months of Anne were met and the ninth gave birth. And she asked the midwife: Who have brought to the world? She answers: A Daughter. Ana said: On this day my soul is glorified! And I have to sleep in the child. Then the days that have passed the custom, Ana was purified, and took along the child and the name Mary. " Proto cf. Gospel of James. Other apocryphal

have added other features but contradictory, for example as regards the place where Maria was born. According to the monk Epiphanius is Nazareth, the town's origins Joaquin, and so says Saint John Chrysostom, while for Cyril of Alexandria, is Bethlehem, the city of Anna Maria's mother. Others suggest Jerusalem as his birthplace. Opinion seems to be confirmed by the existence of a church in honor of Santa Ana, built near the pool of Bethsaida. In the Eastern sources, with this "dedicatio probaticae Deiparae ecclesiae" talks about the mission of Joachim and Anne's church was destroyed twice, in 614 by the Persians and then in 638 by Arabs. In that time the party was fixed on 8 September. Some historians see a reaction from the Byzantine Church against the cult of Isis and Astarte, the divine matriarchal pagans winners, honoring the goddess on 8 September.

To the Byzantine Church, which was to confront the myth of astrology and the stars of Bogomil, this choice expresses not only the replacement of a pagan holiday, but above all the victory of Christ over Satan and his followers, victory in the which involved Mary his mother.

For a long time the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin not universal tube and in the ninth century was not recognized officially and Canon. Already celebrated in Gaul to the 630 and in Rome only in the late seventh century. PE

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sample Essay For A Good Nurse