Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fashionable Digital Slr Bags

. The Dormition of the Mother of God.

Dormition of the Mother of God.
(IN THE WEST: The Assumption of Mary)

At the end of earthly life, Mary goes into the mystery of God is carried to heaven in body and soul. This is the faith of the Church of the early centuries, faith is confirmed and refined these days, even without an explicit source in Sacred Scripture. This event is appointed by the Western tradition with the name of ASUNCION, being a parallel to the Ascension of the Lord, forty days after His glorious resurrection. He has risen to heaven after death through a death that has led to the corruption of his body in the tomb, but the life of the glorified body for forty days appearing to his apostles. Are we to assume that his mother should have a similar fate? Should he pass and through death to reach the glorious life? How long he remained in death? And if you have gone through death, his body has been about corruption?

Of all these questions, only the latter is a unanimous response in the tradition of Mary's body is preserved from corruption. The authors of the apocryphal stories, parents and theologians have been divided on this question: should admit the death of Mary? Some assert the argument that the righteous at the time of trial last pass, as Paul says, in a moment of glorious life ... cf. 1 Thess 4, 13-17, 1 Cor 15, 51-52 Why the Virgin should be disenfranchised? Furthermore she is the new Eve. Going directly from earthly life to the bliss of heaven, confirming the persistence of the paradise that Adam lost. Mary knew endure painful death in his compassion and assimilate under the cross of Jesus crucified. It seems unlikely that Mary would pass through death to reach the glory of heaven.

"You have entrusted your soul in the hands of Him who became incarnate in you by us, your creator, and God transferred to a life incorruptible, and we bless Thee with reverence, you, the pure and immaculate, we confess to you all as the true Mother of God to thee we cry, pray to Christ, who has taken you to save our souls "

At the instant of transit of Mary, did not belong more to the history of this world, but to the history of salvation, is the beginning of eternal happiness to the right of his Son, body and soul. The end field
Mary is well to the human mind is a mystery. When the Assumption of Mary was defined in 1950 by Pius XII, the definition does not speak the circumstances of the transit of Mary, but said the main truth of the Assumption is true that part of the faith of the early centuries: The Immaculate Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, upon completion of his earthly life, was assumed to the glory of heaven in soul and body (Acta Sanctae Sedis, 42 -1950 -)
P. Egon Sendler